Sunday, November 8, 2009

Happy Birthday Dad

Happy Birthday Dad. Today my dad would be 72. There are still days when it does not feel like he is gone. We always had coffee together on the weekends and there are times when I walk in that I just expect him to be sitting in his recliner waiting on me. He would always try to feed me something. His favorite was cheese toast. I remember eating cheese toast as a little girl at my Grandma's, but I don't ever think I had it for breakfast. We all miss him very much but we are thankful that he is not suffering. My dad would have chosen quality of life over quantity any day. I went to the cemetery today and took pictures of his headstone and footstone. I am really not one for going to the cemetery but just felt like I needed to go say "Happy Birthday". I know that he is not there, but that is the last place his earthly body was. His footstone was given to him by the VA for his service to our country, it is much nicer than we had anticipated. My mom and sister picked out the headstone and it turned out really nice. Of course there is a fish on it, what else would we have put there? He would have liked it. The upcoming Holidays are really going to be hard without him. He loved Christmas, not for the gifts but for all the baked goods. That is one time a year that we did not get on his case about eating too many sweets. I inherited that from downfall is sweets. Life goes on and we hang on to precious memories of him and rest in the promise that we will see him again one day.