Friday, November 11, 2011

Happy Veterans Day

Happy Veterans Day Dad and happy belated birthday on Nov. 8th. You were in my thoughts. I miss you so much. You would not be too happy right now with the lake being so low and your crappie hole all dried up at the back of the house. You would be proud about the new underpinning that me and Stacye got Mom for Christmas. It looks really nice and she is very happy about it. Your favorite time of the year is coming up, the Holidays with all the good food and yummy desserts that you were not supposed to eat. Mom and I are going to Stacye's for Thanksgiving, I sure wish you were here to make the road trip with us. I love you and you are forever in my thoughts and in my heart.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

It's Crappie Time

Fishing season is always the time I miss my Dad the most. It will just never be the same without him. We went out this week and hauled in 42 crappie, 1 black bass and 1blue cat. My Dad would be so proud and would have had fun catching them with us. We never go out in the boat that a fishing story about my Dad does not come up or a moment shared about what fish we caught at which stump. Tommy really does miss him because now he has to clean the fish and it took him 2 hours to clean them all. I fished a few weeks ago in his spot on the pier at the marina and I just felt close to him there knowing how many hours he stood in that same spot. Needless to say I caught alot of big crappie in that spot - thanks Dad for the help, I love you and I miss you always.